Unfolding Indonesian Elections

By: Faustina Canika Zhu

Edited by: Sonia Setiono

A presidential election is a process in which people vote to choose a person to hold an official position and is conducted in many countries. According to Indonesian law, the presidential election is held every five years. This year, on February 14, the Indonesian presidential election was held with a total of 3 candidates. Now, let's dig deeper into the different candidates and their vision and mission for the better future of Indonesia.

Now, let's move on to the second pair of candidates, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka. The pair has a mission of progressing towards a ‘Golden Indonesia’ by 2045. This comes along with their missions, some of which include strengthening Indonesia’s defense and enhancing independence in sectors such as energy, water, and green economy, as well as improving the human resources of Indonesia in tech, education, healthcare, and even sports.

Lastly, we have the third pair of candidates, Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD. They have a vision of improving Indonesia to create a sustainable country. Their missions include improving Indonesia's population to have good qualities, be productive, and be unique, as well as building a digital system for the nation, and many more.

Let’s first talk about the first pair of candidates, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar. Candidate number 1 of this presidential election has a vision of making Indonesia fairly prosperous for all its citizens. This comes along with their missions such as ensuring the population of Indonesia can meet basic needs for energy and water, tackling poverty by increasing work opportunities and promoting local businesses, and more.

After getting a glimpse of each presidential candidate, let's move on to the untold story behind these elections. Just 3 days before the election was held, a documentary revealing the respective controversies of each presidential candidate called ‘Dirty Vote’.Every candidate was said to have committed unfair measures regarding voting and campaigning, according to the documentary. However, the documentary mainly focused on candidate number 2, the vice president candidate, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is the current reigning president Joko Widodo’s son.

It covered details for the timeline of the preparation made by each candidate and the controversies that took place.

In conclusion, despite the different visions and missions of each candidate for the future of Indonesia, all of them seek improvement and strive for the betterment of our nation.