Nostalgic Movies

By: Marsha Rusli

Edited by: Ananya Sachidanandan

Remember the anticipation that built up in us as we waited for the ‘Barbie’ movie to be released? How we rushed to the theaters in pink, feeling like children? Have you ever wondered why we were so excited to relive the magical world of Barbie?

Well for most, if not all, of us, Barbie was an integral part of our childhood. We first watched Barbie at a time where we had no worries, before thinking about university applications, friendship fallouts, or familial problems. Aside from Barbie, SpongeBob, Sesame Street, and Barney are other examples of shows that represent a part of our lives when we bore little to no burdens or stresses. These shows were how our younger selves found joy and happiness.

What makes Barbie, and the other movies listed above, different from most movies? The movies listed could be categorized as nostalgic movies. These are films and TV shows that rely on specific cultural references or iconic scenes to evoke a sense of familiarity and connection with their viewers. These types of films make people feel loved and valued and act as a support for when people feel lonely. For example, Barbie awakens hazy memories of our younger selves playing with Barbie dolls or watching Life in the Dreamhouse’, providing us with a sense of optimism and comfort.

It could be argued that we were all so excited to watch Barbie due to its famous cast or the iconic pink theme. These reasons may be true but we also may look at the movie as a gateway back to our carefree days. By watching movies like Barbie, we may start to reminisce about ‘the good old times’ or ‘the happy memories’. It may remind you about how you used to watch Barbie while your mom was cooking or with childhood friends. These nostalgic moments can manifest itself in feelings of warmth and comfort. Thus, most of us who have worries that are troubling us, see familiar movies as a solution to help tune those out.

Nostalgia plays a huge role in the psychology behind comfort movies. The reason we find comfort in watching childhood favorites stems from the joy of reminiscing on positive memories. These movies can transport us to a better or happier time during our lives and serve as a reminder that there have been untroubled days in the past and there will be some in the future too. The nostalgia in these movies idealizes a past time period that we have already established as a positive period in our lives.

These childhood films have been proven to increase our happiness levels as they boost dopamine levels in the mind. Triggering this hormone makes us feel happier and lighter. Moreover, this sense of optimism that builds within us also reduces stress levels and anxiety as watching movies or shows take us away from dealing with reality.

This goes to show that there really is no major harm in watching nostalgic films. In the midst of stressing about university applications or worrying about our future and surroundings, watching reboots of our childhood movies or shows may be beneficial to us. It will take us away from the worries of our lives even if it is only for a short period of time. So after you have finished reading this article, take ten minutes to go watch an episode of Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse, or Sesame Street, and feel all the good feels!