Guide to Being Your Own Malibu Barbie

By: Deanza J. Andriansyah

Edited by: Fayza Rizkita Kania

Summer is approaching along with the upcoming ‘Barbie’ movie starring Margot Robbie, which is gaining a ton of excitement among audiences. Although summer is a reminder of beaches, tropical holidays and vibrant colors, it can also be the perfect time for self-reflection and improvement in order to become our own ‘Malibu Barbie’. Here is a guide to becoming the best version of yourself this summer inspired by the one and only Malibu Barbie!

  1. Pamper nights

Cozy self-care is absolutely needed during those hot summer nights. Whether it’s alone time in the bath, reading with a face mask on or getting mani-pedis with your closest friends, Barbie would definitely dedicate time into pampering herself. After all, you deserve it!

2. Journaling

With more spare time during the summer holidays, journaling is a great way for anyone to father their thoughts and self-reflect. Journaling has been around for ages and has proven to reduce stress and anxiety. It is essential to becoming your best, most glamorous self as journaling also provides an opportunity for positive self-talk and practicing gratitude.

3. Closet Cleanout

The holidays usually call for shopping (especially for the Barbies of the world). But it’s also important to be mindful of the environment – and cleaning out our closets is one way to do it. This summer, pick out the clothes that you’ve grown out of, or simply just aren’t your style anymore. You can donate them to thrift stores or hand them down to family members. Not only will this benefit others, it will also make more space for new clothes in your closet!

4. Work out

Working out will not only improve your physical health, but it will also enhance your  mental well-being. Whether it’s swimming, running, cycling, or dancing, find an exercise you love to do and stick to a workout routine. Notice that you will feel a lot more confident and in a better mood overall.

5. Superfoods

Although you can definitely treat yourself to ice cream, burgers and pizza this summer, superfoods are very important for a healthy and balanced diet. What are superfoods? These include foods filled with protein and nutrients. These include fruits, leafy greens, fish, oatmeal and more. Eating superfoods will give you a lot more energy to do fun things under the sun, and it will also give your skin a glowy look.

6. Yoga and meditation

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with content from multiple social media platforms, it’s important to take some time to ground ourselves or simply let our thoughts flow. You will never know what creative thoughts can be formed from meditating or how well it can clear up a stressed mind. Additionally, yoga can improve strength and flexibility, as well as give you a sense of relaxation and peace of mind, which is such an important step in self-care.

7. Spend extra time with your loved ones

Take this holiday as an opportunity to rekindle old friendships, have a night out with your closest friends, take your mom out to lunch, or visit your grandparents. Making time for and staying connected with your loved ones can help you feel loved and supported. Barbie is not only beautiful, but she would also do her best to show the people she loves that she cares through acts of kindness.

8. Solo dates

Speaking of spending time with loved ones, spend extra time with yourself too! Take yourself out to a fancy dinner, movie, or relax in your favorite cafe. Self-love includes being your own best friend, so remember to treat yourself. Adding to this, Barbie would never settle for less than Ken, so steer clear of red flags to protect your energy. We don’t need toxicity from anyone this summer!

9. Read up

Summer is a great time to dive back into hobbies or passions that you previously may not have had a lot of time for. Reading books is one of the best ways to spend your free time as it gives you knowledge, creativity and a form of escapism from the chaotic world.

10. Wear your sunscreen

Lastly, summer means a lot of time in the sun. You may be going to the beach, surfing, swimming, or spending more time outdoors which is amazing! But don’t forget the importance of putting on SPF to protect your skin from the harsh UV rays.

Remember that this guide is not the only way to become the best version of yourself, and everyone has different forms of wellness and self-improvement. But becoming your own ‘Malibu Barbie’ can definitely serve as inspiration to help you enjoy this summer to the fullest!
