Aliens: Out of This World

By: Aisha Zahrany Putri Noor

Edited by: Harlina Fajulah

The possibility of extraterrestrial life has been a fascinating subject for centuries. From the enigmatic tales of UFO sightings to compelling accounts of purported alien abductions, individuals have ardently strived to uncover the truth behind this phenomenon. In their quest for answers, many have delved into intricate conspiracy theories, all centered on the fundamental question of whether humanity exists in splendid isolation within the cosmos or shares the universe with sentient entities of a non-human nature.

One of the most recent assertions regarding the existence of aliens occurred in September 2023. Journalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan, in the face of the Mexican Congress, revealed two mummified bodies which he had claimed to be alien corpses. According to Maussan, those corpses were found in Peru in 2017. While Maussan's discovery initially stunned and even appeared convincing, subsequent investigations swiftly debunked his evidence. Other experts disclosed that these purported "alien corpses" were, in fact, fabrications crafted from a combination of human and animal bones, skillfully designed to resemble Nazca mummies.

As another case is debunked, it raises a pressing question: to what extent can we trust the evidence provided by experts on this matter?

The prevailing belief is that if experts have endorsed it, it is likely to be true. This is because they play a pivotal role in investigating and validating claims related to any scientific phenomenon. Experts are trained to follow scientific methods and, in presenting hypotheses, they would have to go through a very strict and thorough process. Thus, making sure that their evidence is credible and their claims are reliable.

Nonetheless, the recent debunking of Maussan's assertion presents a unique case, revealing how even experts can, on occasion, be demonstrated to be mistaken. This revelation marked a turning point in the case and had significant consequences. Public disillusionment grew as initial trust in experts yielded to skepticism.

In the age of digital information and social media, where claims and images can go viral within seconds, the importance of skepticism cannot be overstated. We must encourage the public to be critical thinkers and discerning consumers of information. We need to remember that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and critical thinking is important even in the face of the most fascinating claim.

This is not to say that trust towards evidence presented by experts is now completely gone. In uncovering Maussan’s lies, other experts did not blatantly claim that Maussan lied. Instead, they dug deeper to his claim and evidence, analyzed it, and tried to find a new and more reliable hypothesis. In doing so, they still maintained their credibility as researchers and the trustworthiness of their claims.

This is the kind of action we can follow when we are presented with expert claims. It is important for us to approach expert evidence with a healthy dose of skepticism. This does not mean dismissing claims outright, but rather, adopting a position of cautious inquiry. Trust in experts remains vital, but it should always be accompanied by a willingness to question and seek additional evidence.

In conclusion, the case of the Mexican alien corpses serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities surrounding claims of extraterrestrial life and scientific findings in general. While trust in experts is essential, it should be grounded in the principles of skepticism, the scientific method, and a commitment to truth-seeking. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe, we need to open our minds and be more critical towards evidence and claims that we are presented with.