Money Money, Its so funny

This month's issue delves into critical societal challenges across different fronts. "Hostile Architecture" exposes the emergence of urban designs subtly aimed at deterring certain populations from public spaces, prompting reflection on the principles of inclusivity and accessibility shaping our cities. "Why’s Everything so Expensive?!" delves into the intricate factors fueling global inflation trends beyond the immediate impact of the pandemic, revealing the complex interplay of economic forces at a global scale. "Crunchy Lifestyle: A Deep Dive" offers profound insights into the growing movement advocating for sustainability and thriftiness as responses to rampant consumerism, while also delving into the nuances of its accessibility and potential privilege, emphasizing the urgent need for systemic change to address them effectively.

Articles in this Issue

  • Hostile Architecture

    By: Nayomika Shashidhar

  • The Dark Side of Efficiency: How Japan's "Black Companies" Exploit Workers

    By: Gabrielle Gunawan

  • Why is everything so G*ddamn expensive?!

    By: Joy R. Tanoni

  • Crunchy Lifestyle: A Deep Dive

    By: Aisha Zahrany Putri Noor


Issue 25: Express Yourself


Issue 23: Keeping Up With Democracy