Unwrapping Reality: The Cold Side of Christmas

By: Azzura Raysa Alifia

Edited by: Angelina Gaol

As the first snowflakes gracefully descend, heralding the onset of the festive season, there exists a less illuminated facet of Christmas—a realm characterized by the chill of strained familial ties, the stormy clashes of conflicting expectations, and the frostiness that settles upon the burden of extravagant gift-giving. In the enchanting glow of holiday lights, the Cold Side of Christmas emerges, casting shadows on the idyllic scenes of merriment. Beyond the carols and decorations lie the nuanced challenges of navigating relatives' comments and critics that cut deeper than frostbites, enduring family fights that threaten the joy of togetherness, and grappling with the commercialized frenzy that transforms a season of giving into a high-stakes retail spectacle. Curious about the cold side of Christmas? Here are the things :

Relatives' Comments

For some, the holiday season brings about the stress of dealing with relatives' comments that can range from intrusive remarks to judgmental criticisms. Well-meaning questions, asked insensitively, about one's personal life or career, can create an atmosphere of discomfort. Navigating these interactions requires a delicate balance between asserting personal boundaries and maintaining the holiday spirit.

Family Fights

The pressure to create the perfect holiday experience can sometimes lead to heightened tensions within families. Expectations regarding traditions, hosting duties, and even gift-giving can spark conflicts. Whether it's disagreements over how to celebrate, long-standing family issues resurfacing, or clashes about the division of responsibilities, family fights during Christmas can turn a joyful occasion into a stressful one.


The commercialization of Christmas has become increasingly pervasive, with the holiday season often reduced to a shopping frenzy. The emphasis on extravagant gifts, lavish decorations, and elaborate feasts can create financial strains and contribute to a sense of materialism. As people succumb to the pressure of keeping up with societal expectations, the true spirit of Christmas—focused on love, generosity, and togetherness—can get lost in the consumerist chaos.

As the holiday excitement winds down and the festive lights fade, it's important to think about the not-so-fun parts of Christmas. Dealing with family comments, arguments, and the pressure to buy expensive gifts can make the holidays tough. As we say goodbye to these challenges, let's not forget the real reasons we celebrate. Christmas is about family, love, kindness, forgiveness, togetherness, getting along, and finding joy in simple things.

As we move forward, let's focus on being understanding and creating connections that last, beyond the difficulties of the holiday rush. Here's to a future where the spirit of Christmas transcends the challenges, fostering a holiday season defined by genuine connection, empathy, and the enduring warmth of human relationships.

Expensive Gifts

The tradition of exchanging gifts during Christmas, while rooted in the spirit of giving, can become a source of stress for many. The pressure to find the perfect, often expensive, gifts for loved ones can strain budgets and lead to financial strain. The expectation of reciprocity in gift-giving can add an additional layer of anxiety, as individuals worry about whether their gifts will measure up to those they receive.