Alone This Holiday Season

By: Aisha Zahrany Putri Noor

Edited by: Fiorina Siamir

As the holiday season approaches, the air is filled with the sounds of joy, laughter, and festive gatherings. However, for those facing the prospect of spending Christmas alone, the season may come tinged with a sense of loneliness, isolation, and seasonal depression. Fear not, for in solitude lies an opportunity for a uniquely enriching and empowering experience. This guide will explore strategies to endure and thrive during a solo holiday celebration. Join us on a journey of self-love and resilience, and create a solo Christmas that resonates with joy and authenticity.

Embrace the power of personalized decor

Decorations always add to the Christmas vibe, and you do not need anyone else but yourself! Transform your living space into a festive haven by channeling your inner creativity. You can always do the staple Christmas trees with Christmas lights and red and white decorations or put your own spin on it!

You can start by brainstorming the theme (or you can just do whatever you want, of course!) — whether it is the icy winter wonderland or the beautiful nature-inspired decor. Then, you can start shopping for your decoration pieces, or, if you prefer, you can do a DIY Christmas decor using the materials you have at home. Regardless, decorating your living space can not only help you to combat the feeling of loneliness, but it can also keep you productive and fulfilled in the holidays.

Solo Christmas? Why not?

Often, when you have to spend Christmas alone, you feel sad because you will miss out on a lot of the traditional Christmas celebrations involving gathering with your family members. However, you can still celebrate Christmas on your own and make this holiday season uniquely yours.

There are many activities which you can do to spend your solo Christmas. You can treat yourself by feasting on food that is traditionally cooked for Christmas in your household, or you can just enjoy whatever food you like (the best part is that you do not have to share the food!). Next, consider a movie marathon. You can choose to smite yourself to the male lead of a Hallmark movie or put on a twist to this solo Christmas by watching a thrilling horror movie. If you feel extra bold, you can go on a solo winter adventure. Try going outside and seeing your town's big, beautiful Christmas tree and lights or window shopping at your nearest holiday market. However, the most important thing is to do things you like. If you prefer to just read and listen to “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande, then so be it!

Connect and Volunteer

Sometimes, the loneliness is just too big to swallow, and we start to despise our own company. Then, perhaps, it is time to find some friends or communities that can help you feel at ease. If you live far away from your family and friends, you can try connecting with them virtually! Give them a call or two, and, if possible, do a video call with them. Or, you can also connect with your internet friends or mutuals. Luckily, we live in a digital era and connecting is easier than ever. You can join online communities through social media and chat or even play virtual games with them.

Of course, you can also try to find connections in real life. One way to do this is through volunteering. Places such as Soup Kitchen, Food Bank, and Animal Shelter are only few out of the many options that you can volunteer at to spend your holiday. Through volunteering, not only will you be surrounded by many people, you will also be able to contribute to creating Christmas joy for others. These acts of kindness can drive you away from all the negative emotion and, instead, become the antidote to holiday blues.

But what if I still feel lonely?

Sometimes, even after trying everything to enjoy your solo holiday, you might still feel lonely at the end of the day. You may get confused or sad, but this is entirely normal. We are very used to celebrating the holiday with our loved ones, so it is expected to feel lonely or experience seasonal depression because of this. It is not easy to leave a habit that we have been doing and experiencing forever. Perhaps, after all, the most important tip in celebrating the holiday alone is to accept the feeling and the loneliness. Do not be too harsh on yourself, even if the loneliness is unbearable and you can only lie in bed all day.

Remember, a solo Christmas is not about what you may be missing but about the unique opportunities it presents, including the opportunities to acknowledge your feelings and create joy for yourself. If you will be doing solo Christmas this year, let the festivities, calm or loud, unfold and be all yours!