Ins and Outs of 2024

By: Deanza J. Andriansyah

Edited by: Fiorina Siamir

With a new year comes new habits, trends, styles and more. The emergence of a social media trend includes users dictating their opinions of what is ‘in’ and ‘out’ during this new year.

At the forefront of the 2024 trend spectrum is authenticity – specifically in social media. 2024 seems to mark a departure in online curated perfection. Nowadays, users are focusing on genuine connections and meaningful content. Influencers and brands are shifting towards transparency, embracing imperfections, and championing real-life narratives. Through photo dumps of unedited photos, an ‘in’ of 2024 involves moving away from superficiality and factuned photos towards a platform that fosters community, inclusivity and positive engagement.

Beyond the digital sphere, 2024 also promotes certain lifestyle habits. From pilates workouts to the simple act of going on walks, fitness is ‘in’ this new year. For instance, going on walks has been proven to increase cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and improve balance. But beyond just physical health, users are focusing on the mental wellness that comes with these habits. According to the Mental Health Foundation, even a brisk 10-minute walk can increase mental alertness and energy and develop a positive mood. In a world where we can be overstimulated by constant updates in our social media timelines, mental clarity has become increasingly valuable.

On the flip side, there are several ‘outs’ that the majority of users agree to throw out in the new year. For one, excessive screen time. Authored by San Diego State University psychologist Jean Twenge and University of Georgia psychology professor W. Keith Campbell, a study in 2018 revealed that teenagers who spend more than an hour a day on screens are more likely to develop mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Children and teenagers, still in their formative years, could have their developmental stage seriously affected by this. Even for young adults and working professionals, extended periods of screen exposure may pose negative consequences as well. In addition to encountering shared health concerns such as compromised sleep quality and physical well-being, employed individuals may witness decreased work efficiency. Dr Beurkens has indicated that studies reveal how prolonged screen engagement among working professionals can impact their mental health through a dual mechanism: diminished workplace productivity attributed to device usage and subsequent stress arising from reduced effectiveness. Due to these negative consequences, many people seem to have the shared goal of reducing their screen time.

Another popular ‘out’, particularly from users on TikTok, is overconsumption of material goods. Overconsumption contributes to the depletion of natural resources, including water, forests, and minerals. Moreover, overconsumption often leads to unnecessary spending and the accumulation of debt. Cutting back on excessive purchases can alleviate financial stress and contribute to more responsible financial management.

Lastly, the pressure to constantly acquire and consume can contribute to stress and anxiety. Simplifying one's lifestyle by avoiding overconsumption may lead to improved mental well-being and a greater sense of contentment. In 2024, people will be more mindful of what they purchase.

In all, 2024 began with people sharing their thoughts on various matters, which is already a productive start. Hopefully, everyone will stick to their own ‘ins’ and ‘outs’!